Welcome to Data2LaTeX’s documentation!

Data2LaTeX logo

This project is a part of my bachelor thesis which deals with data representation using Python and LaTeX. You can find the source code on my GitHub.

The idea behind this package prototype is that generating LaTeX documents containing scientific data from Python should not be difficult and require many steps. Currently the package supports the creation of simple tables and two types of plots: scatter plots and line plots. The package uses the PyLaTeX package to handle the document creation and compilation process. The main data sources are arrays and data tables from the popular packages numpy and pandas. A major inspiration for the module syntax is the matplotlib.pyplot module, which allows plots to be created in a few lines of code. The tables are created using the tblr environment from the tabularray package. The plots are created using the tikzpicture / axis environment from the tikz / pgfplots package.


Simple features

Data2LaTeX offers two basic features: sections and plain text. If you need other features or environments, you can use PyLaTeX to create the features and insert them into the document object manually.

import data2latex as dtol
dtol.text("This project is part of my bachelor thesis which deals with data representation using Python and LaTeX.")

Simple table

import data2latex as dtol
data = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]

Simple plot

import data2latex as dtol
X = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
Y = [84, 13, 94, 37, 80, 89, 90, 45, 55, 26, 92]
dtol.plot(X, Y, line="-", mark="*")

Table from numpy.ndarray

import data2latex as dtol
import numpy as np
data = np.random.normal(0, 1000, (8, 4))
dtol.table(data, "#", r"Data from \texttt{numpy.random.normal}", escape_caption=False)

Table from pandas.DataFrame

import data2latex as dtol
import pandas as pd
data = pd.DataFrame(
   [[True, 0.1, "red"], [True, 0.9, "blue"], [False, 0.6, "black"]],
   ["First", "Second", "Third"],
   ["bool", "float", "str"])
   data, "o", r"Data from \texttt{pandas.DataFrame}",
   escape_caption=False, float_format="{:0.1f}",
   left_head_bold=True, left_head_col_align="r",

Table cells with macros

Here we are using Package and NoEscape from PyLaTeX to add a new package and a custom macro into our document preamble. More about PyLaTeX features here. We can get the document instance with function gd() from Data2LaTeX.

import data2latex as dtol
import pylatex as tex
   r"\newcommand{\RGB}[3]{\fcolorbox{black}%" + "\n"
   r"{rgb,255:red,#1;green,#2;blue,#3}%" + "\n"
   r"{\makebox[47pt][r]{\textcolor{white}%" + "\n"
data = [[r"\RGB{%s}{%s}{%s}" % ((x, 0, y)) for y in range(0, 256, 51)]
   for x in range(0, 256, 51)]
   data, "", "RGB boxes with varying R and B channels",
   use_siunitx=False, escape_cells=False)

Multiple scatter plots

import data2latex as dtol
import numpy as np
X = [np.random.normal(loc, scale, 100) for loc, scale in [(50, 20), (50, 40), (100, 10)]]
Y = [np.random.normal(loc, scale, 100) for loc, scale in [(50, 20), (100, 40), (75, 10)]]
   X, Y, r"Scatter plots from \texttt{np.random.normal}",
   "Variable $a$ [-]", "Variable $b$ [-]", "#", escape_caption=False,
   line=None, mark="*", mark_fill_opacity=0.7)

Multiple line plots

import data2latex as dtol
import numpy as np
X = np.linspace(0, 100, 30)
Y = np.cumsum(np.random.normal(10, 10, (3, 30)), axis=1)
   [X] * 3, Y, r"Line plots from \texttt{np.random.normal}",
   "Time $t$ [s]", "Variable $b$ [-]", escape_caption=False,
   line=["-", "--", "-."], line_color="black", mark=None,
   legend=["A", "B", "C"], legend_pos="top left",
   xlimits="exact", ylimits=(0, None))

Line plots with semi-log scale

import data2latex as dtol
import numpy as np
X = np.linspace(0, 2, 50)
Y = [np.exp(X) + np.random.uniform(0, 0.2, 50),
   (2 * X + 1) + np.random.uniform(0, 0.3, 50)]
   [X] * 2, Y, r"Line plots with semi-log scale",
   "Variable $x$ [-]", "Variable $y$ [-]",
   line="-", mark=None, mode=("lin", "log"),
   legend=[r"$e^x+\epsilon_1(x)$", r"$5x+1+\epsilon_2(x)$"],
   legend_pos="top left", legend_entry_align="l",
   xlimits="exact", ylimits=(1, None),
   precision=1, zerofill=(False, True))

Plots from pandas.DataFrame

Because pandas.DataFrame is currently not supported as valid input data type for plot function, we must prepare the data ourselfs. Please note that we must convert the column names into list (tolist()) for it to work correctly as legend input. Also note that data from “column-based” dataframes must be transposed (__array__().T).

Numerical data in external file





































from io import StringIO
import data2latex as dtol
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv(StringIO("""\
X = data[data.columns[0]]
legend = data.columns[1:].tolist()
Y = data[legend].__array__().T
   [X] * len(legend), Y, legend=legend, grid="_1",
   legend_pos="top left", line="-", mark=["o", "x"],
   mark_fill_color=None, mark_stroke_opacity=1.0,
   mark_stroke_color=["blue", "red"])

Implemented features

data2latex.gd() Document

Get current PyLaTeX document.


Current PyLaTeX document

Return type:


data2latex.gdm() DocumentManager

Get current document manager instance.


Current document manager instance

Return type:


data2latex.setup(document_class: str = 'article', document_class_options: List[str] = [], font_size: Literal['10pt', '11pt', '12pt'] = '12pt', spacing: Literal['1x', '1.5x', '2x'] | None = '1.5x', par_indent: str | None = '2em', par_skip: str | None = '0.5em', horizontal_margin: str | None = '2cm', vertical_margin: str | None = '2cm', page_numbers: bool = False, additional_packages: List[LatexObject | str] = []) None

Optional setup for the LaTeX document. This must be called first and cannot be combined with use_standalone... functions.

  • document_class (str, optional) – Document class, defaults to "article".

  • document_class_options (List[str], optional) – Options for the document class, defaults to [].

  • font_size (Literal["10pt", "11pt", "12pt"], optional) – Main font size with unit, defaults to "12pt".

  • spacing (Optional[Literal["1x", "1.5x", "2x"]], optional) – Size of spacing between lines. Uses setspace package. Defaults to "1.5x".

  • par_indent (Optional[str], optional) – Length of paragraph indentation with unit. Uses indentfirst package. Defaults to "2em".

  • par_skip (Optional[str], optional) – Size of gap between paragraphs with unit. Uses parskip package. Defaults to "0.5em"

  • horizontal_margin (Optional[str], optional) – Horizontal page margin with unit. Uses geometry package and is incompatible with standalone document class. Defaults to "2cm".

  • vertical_margin (Optional[str], optional) – Vertical page margin with unit. Uses geometry package and is incompatible with standalone document class. Defaults to "2cm".

  • page_numbers (bool, optional) – True for numbering pages, defaults to False.

  • additional_packages (List[LatexObject | str], optional) – Additional packages or commands which will be placed into the document preamble, defaults to [].


RuntimeError – Cannot call this setup function if document manager has been already used.

data2latex.use_one_page_standalone(horizontal_border: str = '5pt', vertical_border: str = '5pt') None

Optional setup for standalone document class with compilation into one cropped page. This is experimental feature and it can be incompatible with some other settings, e.g. geometry package and trim axis options for TikZ axis.

  • horizontal_border (str, optional) – Horizontal page border with unit, defaults to "5pt".

  • vertical_border (str, optional) – Vertical page border with unit, defaults to "5pt".

data2latex.use_multi_page_standalone(horizontal_border: str = '5pt', vertical_border: str = '5pt') None

Optional setup for standalone document class with compilation into many cropped pages. Each table and plot is placed on its own page. This can be used for generating all the figures into one long pdf and then using \includegraphics[page=...]{...} in LaTeX to include the figures into your main document with sections, text, etc. This is experimental feature and it can be incompatible with some other settings, e.g. geometry package and trim axis options for TikZ axis.

  • horizontal_border (str, optional) – Horizontal page border with unit, defaults to "5pt".

  • vertical_border (str, optional) – Vertical page border with unit, defaults to "5pt".

data2latex.section(title: str, numbering: bool = False, label: str | None = None) None

Insert a section into the document.

  • title (str) – Section text.

  • numbering (bool, optional) – True for numbering this section, defaults to False.

  • label (Optional[str], optional) – Label for later referencing, use format "prefix:label" or just "label" with automatic prefix "sec", defaults to None.

data2latex.text(content: str, escape: bool = True) None

Add a paragraph of solid text.

  • content (str) – Content for the paragraph.

  • escape (bool, optional) – True for replacing special LaTeX characters, defaults to True.

data2latex.plot(_X: Any, _Y: Any, caption: str | None = None, xlabel: str | None = None, ylabel: str | None = None, grid: str | None = None, mode: Literal['lin', 'log'] | Tuple[Literal['lin', 'log'], Literal['lin', 'log']] = ('lin', 'lin'), legend: None | str | List[None | str] = None, legend_pos: Literal['top left', 'top left out', 'top right', 'down left', 'down right'] = 'top right', legend_entry_align: Literal['l', 'c', 'r'] = 'c', width: str | None = None, height: str | None = None, equal_axis: bool = False, xlimits: Tuple[float | None, float | None] | Literal['exact'] | None = None, ylimits: Tuple[float | None, float | None] | Literal['exact'] | None = None, precision: int | Tuple[int, int] = (2, 2), zerofill: bool | Tuple[bool, bool] = (False, False), label: str | None = None, caption_pos: Literal['above', 'below'] = 'below', escape_caption: bool = True, position: str = 'H', center: bool = True, line: None | Literal['-', '--l', '--', '--d', '.l', '.', '.d', '-.l', '-.', '-.d', '-..l', '-..', '-..d'] | List[None | Literal['-', '--l', '--', '--d', '.l', '.', '.d', '-.l', '-.', '-.d', '-..l', '-..', '-..d']] = None, line_width: str | List[str] = '0.75pt', line_color: None | Literal['red', 'green', 'blue', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'black', 'gray', 'white', 'darkgray', 'lightgray', 'brown', 'lime', 'olive', 'orange', 'pink', 'purple', 'teal', 'violet'] | Tuple[int, int, int] | Tuple[float, float, float] | List[None | Literal['red', 'green', 'blue', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'black', 'gray', 'white', 'darkgray', 'lightgray', 'brown', 'lime', 'olive', 'orange', 'pink', 'purple', 'teal', 'violet'] | Tuple[int, int, int] | Tuple[float, float, float]] = ['blue', 'red', 'black'], line_opacity: float | List[float] = 1.0, mark: None | Literal['*', 'x', '+', '-', '|', 'o', 'asterisk', 'star', '10-pointed star', 'oplus', 'oplus*', 'otimes', 'otimes*', 'square', 'square*', 'triangle', 'triangle*', 'diamond', 'diamond*', 'halfdiamond*', 'halfsquare*', 'halfsquare right*', 'halfsquare left*', 'Mercedes star', 'Mercedes star flipped', 'halfcircle', 'halfcircle*', 'pentagon', 'pentagon*', 'ball'] | List[None | Literal['*', 'x', '+', '-', '|', 'o', 'asterisk', 'star', '10-pointed star', 'oplus', 'oplus*', 'otimes', 'otimes*', 'square', 'square*', 'triangle', 'triangle*', 'diamond', 'diamond*', 'halfdiamond*', 'halfsquare*', 'halfsquare right*', 'halfsquare left*', 'Mercedes star', 'Mercedes star flipped', 'halfcircle', 'halfcircle*', 'pentagon', 'pentagon*', 'ball']] = '*', mark_size: str | List[str] = '2pt', mark_fill_color: None | Literal['red', 'green', 'blue', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'black', 'gray', 'white', 'darkgray', 'lightgray', 'brown', 'lime', 'olive', 'orange', 'pink', 'purple', 'teal', 'violet'] | Tuple[int, int, int] | Tuple[float, float, float] | List[None | Literal['red', 'green', 'blue', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'black', 'gray', 'white', 'darkgray', 'lightgray', 'brown', 'lime', 'olive', 'orange', 'pink', 'purple', 'teal', 'violet'] | Tuple[int, int, int] | Tuple[float, float, float]] = ['blue', 'red', 'black'], mark_stroke_color: None | Literal['red', 'green', 'blue', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'black', 'gray', 'white', 'darkgray', 'lightgray', 'brown', 'lime', 'olive', 'orange', 'pink', 'purple', 'teal', 'violet'] | Tuple[int, int, int] | Tuple[float, float, float] | List[None | Literal['red', 'green', 'blue', 'cyan', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'black', 'gray', 'white', 'darkgray', 'lightgray', 'brown', 'lime', 'olive', 'orange', 'pink', 'purple', 'teal', 'violet'] | Tuple[int, int, int] | Tuple[float, float, float]] = None, mark_fill_opacity: float | List[float] = 1.0, mark_stroke_opacity: float | List[float] = 0.0) None

Generate LaTeX scatter or line plot from input data. The plot is created with pgfplots package (tikzpicture + axis environment). Data can be in the form of a list or an array of numbers for single line. For plotting more data sets, input data should be in the form of list of lists as shown below:

X = [[dataset1_x], [dataset2_x]]
Y = [[dataset1_y], [dataset2_y]]
legend = ["dataset1", "dataset2"]

Some input parameters can take single value or list of values. If list is given, the plot generator will cycle through the values as shown below:

line = "-"              # Every plot will have solid line;
mark = ["*", None]      # 1st, 3rd, 5th... plot will have marks; 2nd, 4th, 6th... plot will have no mark;

Inputing empty data in valid format should run and compile without an error. For plotting data from pandas.DataFrame: convert the dataframe into numpy.array and extract the column names for the plot legend.

Examples of usage

import data2latex as dtol
X = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
Y = [84, 13, 94, 37, 80, 89, 90, 45, 55, 26, 92]
dtol.plot(X, Y, line="-", mark="*")
import data2latex as dtol
import numpy as np
data = np.random.normal(0, 100, (2, 100))
dtol.plot(data[0], data[1], grid="#", line=None, mark="*")
  • _X (Any) – X coordinates for plotting. Does not have a type hint because the data validity is checked before plotting. Should be List[Number], List[List[Number]] or numpy.ndarray with one or two dimensions.

  • _Y (Any) – Y coordinates for plotting. Does not have a type hint because the data validity is checked before plotting. Should be List[Number], List[List[Number]] or numpy.ndarray with one or two dimensions.

  • caption (Optional[str], optional) – Caption text, defaults to None.

  • xlabel (Optional[str], optional) – Label for x axis, defaults to None.

  • ylabel (Optional[str], optional) – Label for y axis, defaults to None.

  • grid (Optional[str], optional) – Custom code for configuring major/minor grid, defaults to None. Symbol | turns on major vertical grid lines, symbol _ turns on major horizontal grid lines, # symbols turns both directions of major grid lines. If the symbol is followed up by a number, the number is interpreted as number of minor grid lines inbetween the major grid lines in given direction. The symbols can be combined to obtain desired grid settings. Does not work well with logaritmic axis!

  • mode (Union[AxisMode, Tuple[AxisMode, AxisMode]], optional) – Axis scale: the first tuple element for x axis, the second one for y axis. If single value is given, it will be used for both axis. Defaults to ("lin", "lin").

  • legend (Union[None, str, List[Union[None, str]]], optional) – Legend entries: input None if dataset should not have an entry. Defaults to None.

  • legend_pos (LegendPosition, optional) – Legend position: available string literals start with vertical position (e.g. top) followed by horizontal position (e.g. right). Defaults to "top right".

  • legend_entry_align (Literal[l, c, r], optional) – Horizontal text alignment of legend entries, defaults to "c".

  • width (Optional[str], optional) – Width of the plot with unit, defaults to None.

  • height (Optional[str], optional) – Height of the plot with unit, defaults to None.

  • equal_axis (bool, optional) – True for equal scale on both axis. You must find a good working combo with settings equal_axis, x/ylimits and width/height. Defaults to False.

  • xlimits (Optional[Union[Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]], Literal[exact]]], optional) – Limits for x axis: either two numbers (min, max) in tuple or "exact" literal for setting the limits to minimum and maximum of the datasets. Defaults to None.

  • ylimits (Optional[Union[Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]], Literal[exact]]], optional) – Limits for y axis: either two numbers (min, max) in tuple or "exact" literal for setting the limits to minimum and maximum of the datasets. Defaults to None.

  • precision (Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], optional) – Precision of the displayed tick labels in the form of (x axis tick labels, y axis tick labels). Defaults to (2, 2).

  • zerofill (Union[bool, Tuple[bool, bool]], optional) – True for padding decimal numbers (tick labels) with zeros to satisfy given precision, defaults to (False, False).

  • label (Optional[str], optional) – Label for later referencing, use format "prefix:label" or just "label" with automatic prefix "plot", defaults to None.

  • caption_pos (Literal[above, below], optional) – Position caption above or below the table, defaults to "below".

  • escape_caption (bool, optional) – True for escaping special LaTeX symbols in caption text, defaults to True.

  • position (str, optional) – Float position on the page for table environment, defaults to "H".

  • center (bool, optional) – True for centering the table on the page, defaults to True.

  • line (Union[None, LineStyle, List[Union[None, LineStyle]]], optional) – Line style: None for no line or some string valid literal, defaults to None.

  • line_width (Union[str, List[str]], optional) – Line width with unit, defaults to "0.75pt".

  • line_color (Union[None, Color, List[Union[None, Color]]], optional) – Line color in the form of tuple with three int (0-255) or float (0.0-1.0) values, a named color or a string with hex value. Defaults to ["blue", "red", "black"].

  • line_opacity (Union[float, List[float]], optional) – Line color opacity (0.0-1.0), defaults to 1.0.

  • mark (Union[None, MarkStyle, List[Union[None, MarkStyle]]], optional) – Mark style, can be None for no marks. Defaults to "*".

  • mark_size (Union[str, List[str]], optional) – Mark size with unit, defaults to "2pt".

  • mark_fill_color (Union[None, Color, List[Union[None, Color]]], optional) – Mark fill (area) color in the form of tuple with three int (0-255) or float (0.0-1.0) values, a named color or a string with hex value. Can be None for no fill. Defaults to ["blue", "red", "black"].

  • mark_stroke_color (Union[None, Color, List[Union[None, Color]]], optional) – Mark stroke (outline) color in the form of tuple with three int (0-255) or float (0.0-1.0) values, a named color or a string with hex value. Can be None for no stroke. Defaults to None.

  • mark_fill_opacity (Union[float, List[float]], optional) – Mark fill opacity (0.0-1.0), defaults to 1.0.

  • mark_stroke_opacity (Union[float, List[float]], optional) – Mark stroke opacity (0.0-1.0), defaults to 0.0.

data2latex.table(data: ~typing.Sequence[~typing.Sequence[~typing.Any]] | ~data2latex.iter_protocols.OuterKnownLengthIterable | ~data2latex.iter_protocols.DataFrameOuterIterator | ~data2latex.iter_protocols.DataFrameLike | ~data2latex.iter_protocols.NDArrayLike, rules: str = '', caption: str | None = None, caption_pos: ~typing.Literal['above', 'below'] = 'above', escape_caption: bool = True, label: str | None = None, position: str = 'H', center: bool = True, float_format: str = '{:0.3f}', str_format: str = '{{{{{{{:s}}}}}}}', str_convertor: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Any], str] = <class 'str'>, str_try_number: bool = True, escape_cells: bool = True, col_align: ~typing.Literal['l', 'c', 'r', 'j'] = 'c', row_align: ~typing.Literal['t', 'm', 'b', 'h', 'f'] = 'm', left_head_bold: bool = False, left_head_col_align: ~typing.Literal['l', 'c', 'r', 'j'] | None = None, top_head_bold: bool = False, top_head_col_align: ~typing.Literal['l', 'c', 'r', 'j'] | None = None, use_adjustbox: bool = True, use_siunitx: bool = True, dataframe_column_names: bool = True, dataframe_row_names: bool = True) None

Generate LaTeX table from input data. The table is created with tabularray package (tblr environment) with optional siunitx usage for decimal number alignment. Table can be automatically scaled down with adjustbox package. Inputing empty data in valid format should run and compile without an error.

Examples of usage

import data2latex as dtol
data = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
import data2latex as dtol
import pandas as pd
data = pd.DataFrame(
    [["purple", "cyan"], ["blue", "yellow"]],
    ["C1", "C2"], ["R1", "R2"]
    caption="Data from pandas.DataFrame",
  • data (Union[Sequence2D, KnownLengthIterable2D, DataFrameIterator, DataFrameLike, NDArrayLike]) – 2D structure holding your data. Supported data types are List[List[Any]], numpy.ndarray{ndim >= 2} and pandas.DataFrame.

  • rules (str, optional) –

    Rule settings using custom syntax, defaults to "".




    Select the vertical rules.


    Select the horizontal rules.


    Apply rule before header in selected direction.


    Apply rule after header in selected direction.


    Apply rule after table body in selected direction.


    Apply every rule in selected direction.


    Apply every rule in selected direction except the border ones.


    Apply every rule in table body in selected direction.


    Apply every rule in table body in selected direction except the border ones.


    Apply every rule in both direction, every cell has full border.


    Apply every rule around table.


    Apply every rule around table body.

    Symbols #, O, o don’t need selected direction.

  • caption (Optional[str], optional) – Caption text, defaults to None.

  • caption_pos (Literal["above", "below"], optional) – Position caption above or below the table, defaults to "above".

  • escape_caption (bool, optional) – True for escaping special LaTeX symbols in caption text, defaults to True.

  • label (Optional[str], optional) – Label for later referencing, use format "prefix:label" or just "label" with automatic prefix "table", defaults to None.

  • position (str, optional) – Float position on the page for table environment, defaults to "H".

  • center (bool, optional) – True for centering the table on the page, defaults to True.

  • float_format (str, optional) – Format for formatting float numbers with str.format(). Here you can change the number of printed decimal places, int numbers are printed without any format, defaults to "{:0.3f}".

  • str_format (str, optional) – Format for formatting strings with str.format(). Text must be enclosed in triple curly brackets if you use the siunitx package, defaults to "{{{{{{{:s}}}}}}}".

  • str_convertor (Callable[[Any], str]) – Function for converting objects into strings, defaults to str.

  • str_try_number (bool, optional) – True for trying to convert str to int and float. This process is done after formatting numbers and converting objects into strings. Turn this off if you do not need it. Defaults to True.

  • escape_cells (bool, optional) – True for escaping every cells content, defaults to True.

  • col_align (Literal["l", "c", "r", "j"], optional) – Classic column (horizontal) contenet alignment setting, defaults to "c".

  • row_align (Literal["t", "m", "b", "h", "f"], optional) – Classis row (vertical) content alignment setting, defaults to "m".

  • left_head_bold (bool, optional) – True for bold left header text, defaults to False.

  • left_head_col_align (Optional[Literal["l", "c", "r", "j"]], optional) – Left header text vertical alignment setting, defaults to None.

  • top_head_bold (bool, optional) – True for bold top header text, defaults to False.

  • top_head_col_align (Optional[Literal["l", "c", "r", "j"]], optional) – Top header text vertical alignment setting, defaults to None.

  • use_adjustbox (bool, optional) – True for wrapping the whole tblr environment in adjustbox macro, which will shrink the table if it is wider then linewidth, defaults to True.

  • use_siunitx (bool, optional) – True for using siunitx package for aligning numbers. To allow custom vertical alignment, we must know max number of digits each column will store. There is currently implemented some sort of heuristic approach for obtaining this information. Turn this off if you do not need it. It does not work with numbers in scientific notation. Defaults to True.

  • dataframe_column_names (bool, optional) – True for showing column names if the input data is pandas.DataFrame, defaults to True.

  • dataframe_row_names (bool, optional) – True for showing row names if the input data is pandas.DataFrame, defaults to True.

  • ValueError – Input data must have at least two dimensions.

  • ValueError – Unknown input data type. Supporting List[List[Any]], numpy.ndarray{ndim >= 2} and pandas.DataFrame.

data2latex.finish(filepath: str = 'document', generate_tex: bool = True, compile_tex: bool = True, compiler: Literal['pdflatex', 'latexmk'] | None = 'pdflatex') None

Generate LaTeX source code and compile the document.

  • filepath (str, optional) – File name or file path without extension, defaults to "document".

  • generate_tex (bool, optional) – True for generating .tex file, defaults to True.

  • compile_tex (bool, optional) – True for compiling the document into .pdf file, defaults to True.

  • compiler (Optional[Literal["pdflatex", "latexmk"]], optional) – Compiler name, pdflatex could be faster then latexmk, defaults to "pdflatex".

data2latex.latex(filepath: str = 'document') None

Generate LaTeX source code.


filepath (str, optional) – File name or file path without extension, defaults to "document".

data2latex.pdf(filepath: str = 'document', compiler: Literal['pdflatex'] | None = 'pdflatex') None

Compile the document without saving the .tex file.

  • filepath (str, optional) – File name or file path without extension, defaults to "document".

  • compiler (Optional[Literal["pdflatex", "latexmk"]], optional) – Compiler name, pdflatex could be faster then latexmk, defaults to "pdflatex".

data2latex.reset() None

Reset the current document. This will remove all the content which has been appended. You can use the setup functions after calling this, e.g. compile two documents with different document class in one script.